Rubric 1 Paragraph Essay With A Topic Sentence, 2 Supporting Details, And A Concluding Sentence
Sunday, August 23, 2020
Friday, August 21, 2020
The Rivalry Among Existing Firms: Strong
The Rivalry among existing firms: solid The workplace gracefully industry has countless players with a high assorted variety of opponents. Rivalry is very wraths between them on the grounds that the workplace flexibly industry is so jumpers in item and administrations they give; they incorporate high volume office gracefully, distribution center clubs, online retailers, duplicate and print organizations, markdown retailers and nearby and provincial agreement stationers. The huge number of rivals in this industry, alongside an absence of item contrasts, with low exchanging coast for purchasers and the capacity of the purchasers to look around the web for the best price.Had made this industry development to turn out to be moderate. source http://360. datamonitor. com/Product? pid=4CA55D31-18F9-44E1-BB86-D1E5E5306887 Rivalry Figure 9: Drivers of level of competition in the workplace administrations and supplies advertise in the United States, 2010 Players run in size and item decent var iety; they incorporate high-volume office flexibly suppliers (e. g. Staples), stockroom clubs (e. g. Costco), duplicate and print organizations (e. g. FedEx Office), online retailers (e. g. Amazon. com), ink cartridge claim to fame stores, markdown retailers, just as a few nearby and territorial agreement stationers. Related article: Evaluate External Corporate CommunicationsThe huge number of players, alongside minimal effort exchanging for purchasers, low item separation, simple extension by using the web, and poor market development as of late, strengthens competition among occupants. This is enhanced to some degree by the decent variety showed in the item arrangement of certain players, for example, online retailers and markdown retailers, who work in different markets and are consequently not exclusively dependent on the incomes produced from the workplace administrations and supplies market.Relatively low stockpiling costs and the non-explicitness of players’ resources brings obstructions down to exit and facilitates competition. By and large, contention is solid. FIVE FORCES ANALYSIS The workplace administrations and supplies market will be investigated taking retailers of paper, stockpiling, fixed, and office administrations, for example, copying, printing and official as players. The key purchasers will be taken as organizations, and makers of paper, stockpiling, fixed, and gear for copying, printing and authoritative as the key providers. SummaryFigure 4: Forces driving rivalry in the workplace administrations and supplies advertise in the United States, 2010 The market is exceptionally divided with players running from worldwide high-volume office flexibly suppliers to neighborhood stationers. The wealth and decent variety of purchasers debilitates purchaser influence, while minimal effort exchanging, low item separation, and significant expense affectability fortify it. Such factors, alongside low brand devotion and simple access to providers and dissemination, likewise add to the high probability of new entrants.Suppliers are various, and low separation, alongside some regressive combination by players who sell their own marked products, debilitates provider power. The huge number of players, alongside ease exchanging for purchasers, low item separation, simple extension by using the web, and poor market development as of late, strengthens contention among occupants. Purchaser power Figure 5: Drivers of purchaser power in the workplace administrations and supplies showcase in the United States, 2010 Buyers are various and diverse.This, alongside the significance of the items and administrations gave by players to purchasers, debilitates purchaser power. Purchasers can extend in size from sole owners to global enterprises and purchaser power is supported by bigger purchasers with more noteworthy money related muscle. Enormous organizations put office administrations and supplies out to delicate offers while littler organizations can arrange limits through exchange affiliations. Notwithstanding, purchaser power is continued by low client steadfastness, low exchanging costs, low level item separation and significant expense affectability, giving clients a wide decision of retailers.The web has made cost examination simpler, raising co st straightforwardness and expanding rivalry. In general, purchaser power is moderate. Provider power Figure 6: Drivers of provider power in the workplace administrations and supplies advertise in the United States, 2010 Suppliers are various and different with a huge cluster of merchandise. This size of rivalry from minimal effort economies in the Asia-Pacific spots limitations on different providers. Players will in general have a few providers, and this, alongside low exchanging costs, debilitates provider power, especially in cases where bigger players have more noteworthy arranging power.On the other hand, providers can offer their items to a wide scope of clients, and this serves to expand their provider power. There are components of reconciliation inside the business as worldwide players sell their own marked merchandise. For instance, Staples own marked merchandise spoke to about 23% of their deals in 2009. The lower valuing of such exercises undermines the intensity of dif ferent providers. Generally, provider power is moderate. New participants Figure 7: Factors impacting the probability of new contestants in the workplace administrations and supplies showcase in the United States, 2010Most office supplies are commoditized items, which have little brand steadfastness. This, alongside low enduser exchanging costs, little government guideline, and simple access to providers and circulation channels, is helpful for the passage of new players into the market. Bigger players profit by scale economies that permit them to contend with high-volume office gracefully suppliers that lead the market. Bigger players with more prominent monetary muscle would have the option to haggle better agreements with providers and along these lines accomplish better benefit margins.Entry can be accomplished for a littler scope by concentrating on a particular item extend (e. g. an ink cartridge forte store) or by building up an online retail shop. Poor development as of late , with stale development figure for the 2010-2015 period, diminishes the danger of new participants into the market fairly. By and large, the danger of new contestants is solid. Substitutes Figure 8: Factors affecting the danger of substitutes in the workplace administrations and supplies advertise in the United States, 2010Many current organizations are taking techniques to limit costs and the natural effect of their tasks by moving towards a paperless office position: exchanging costs are not extreme, as most organizations have just put resources into suitable ICT frameworks. This, in this way, comprises a genuine test to those working basically with paper-based office items. Capacity and fixed may likewise be affected by changing to a paperless office design. Office administrations, for example, copying, printing and restricting might be subbed by electronic types of communications.Overall, the danger of substitutes is moderate. Same source Office Depot, Inc. Table 10: Office Dep ot, Inc. : key realities Head office: 6600 North Military Trail, Boca Raton, Florida 33496, USA Telephone: 1 561 438 4800 Fax: 1 800 685 5010 Website: www. officedepot. com Financial year-end: January Ticker: ODP Stock trade: New York Source: organization site D A T A M O N I T O R Office Depot is occupied with the flexibly of office items and administrations. The organization offers national marked and private named office items which incorporates business machines, PCs and office furniture.Some of the private brands are Office Depot, Niceday, Foray, Ativa, Break Escapes, Worklife and Christopher Lowell. The organization leads its business through three business divisions: North American retail, North American business arrangements and global. The North American retail division sells a scope of marked and private marked product including office supplies, business machines and PCs, PC programming, office furniture and different business related items and administrations. These items are sold through the organization's chain of office flexibly stores in the US and Canada.The stores worked by the division additionally contain a duplicate, print and boat focus which offers realistic planning, printing, proliferation, mailing, dispatching, and different administrations. In 2008, Office Depot began PC backing and system establishment administrations to give in-home, in-office and in-store support for the innovation needs of the clients. Before the finish of 2008, the organization worked almost 1,267 office flexibly stores in the US and Canada. Store renewal is taken care of through cross dock offices and the mass product is arranged and delivered inside a day. Before the finish of 2008, the organization worked 12 cross dock facilities.The North American business arrangements division sells broadly marked and private brand office supplies, innovation items, furniture and administrations through different channels: committed deals power; indexes and web locales. The division's immediate business is customized to support little and medium measured clients. These clients can arrange items from the inventories through telephone or through the organization's sites. The North American business arrangements division utilizes a devoted deals power for the agreement business which serves overwhelmingly, medium measured to fortune 100 companies.The deals power LEADING COMPANIES United States †Office Services ; Supplies 0072 †2115 †2010  © Datamonitor. This profile is an authorized item and isn't to be copied Page 29 offer clients unified administrations of giving data, business-instruments and critical thinking. Moreover, the division embraces government contracts through a multi-state contract accessible to nearby and state government offices, school areas, advanced education and non-benefit associations over the US.The division worked 20 dispersion habitats toward the finish of 2008 and it fills in the agreement and direct business ar ranges through stock kept up in these dissemination places. The universal division offers office items and administrations in 48 nations all through North America, Europe, Asia and Centra
Tuesday, July 14, 2020
Critiques of Alfred Marshalls theories( neoclassical theory and
Critiques of Alfred Marshall's theories( neoclassical theory and Critiques of Alfred Marshall's theories( neoclassical theory and supply and demand theory); how can we use his theories in business â€" Coursework Example > Critique Of Alfred Marshall’s Theory Critique Of Alfred Marshall’s Theory Critique Of Theories Various theories provided by Alfred Marshall have been criticized by different researchers. The theory of demand and supply that states that as the price of a particular good or service increases have been heavily criticized by Sraffa who states that in order for the theory of demand and supply to stand its ground it is necessary for both demand and supply operate in an independent manner and cannot depend on each other. Another reason Sraffa provided for criticizing the model is that in order for a supplier to restrict his/her production of goods it is much necessary for the resources to be available in restricted amounts (Keen, 2010). In other words, Sraffa stated that price cannot restrict supply; instead it is the availability of raw material that restricts supply. The theory of marginal utility provided by Marshall has even been severely criticized. One of the criticisms regardi ng the theory of diminishing marginal utility is that utility or the benefits that an individual derives from the consumption of a particular good or service cannot be measured (Rima, 2012). Marshall states that utility and diminishing marginal utility can be measured and its increase and decrease can even be measured. But criticizers state that the utility is psychological in nature and is dependent on the mental state of an individual and cannot be measured. Furthermore the theory is criticized because it cannot be universally applied (Sivagnanam, 2010). This is because consumption of certain goods and services may never satisfy a consumer and he may continue to demand more. For example: a person who is alcoholic cannot stop drinking as with every drink he wants more alcohol. The theory of neo-classical economics that was developed by Marshall has even experienced criticism. Marshall believed that human beings are rational beings and they make purchasing and consumption decision s based on costs and benefits. This aspect of the theory has been criticized on the grounds that that various activities conducted by an individual cannot be categorized as rational and human beings do not always take in to consideration the benefits and disadvantage of a purchasing decision while making a purchase (Amann, 2011). This is true because various purchasing and consumption decisions of an individual are made without identifying the advantages and disadvantages associated with them. Business Application Of Marshall’s Theory The law of demand that was identified by Marshall can be applied for various purposes in real life business scenarios. One way of applying the concept of law of demand to a particular business would be while a business determines the prices of goods and services it is offering. The law state that demand rises as price falls and demand falls as price rises. This concept can be applied to business in order to attract more customers. If a particular business is not being able to sell enough goods and services then it needs to compare the prices of the goods that the business has set with the prices of the goods at which a competitor is selling. If the prices of the goods of the competitor are lower than the business’s prices then that would suggest that the business needs to decrease its prices in order to sell more goods and services. The concept of diminishing marginal utility can be used by a business in order to identify why the demand for its particular goods and services are declining. If a particular business is experiencing decline in the number of goods it is selling in the market. The business may need to conduct market research and identify the reason. For example: certain goods such as warm clothes have higher demand during winter season. This means that the demand for such clothes during summer season will be low since during that period of the year the utility obtained from consuming warm clothes decline for the customers. Therefore, the supplier of warm clothes can identify why the demand of warm clothes decrease during summer season. Conclusion Alfred Marshall provided the world of economics with various theories including demand and supply theory, diminishing marginal utility and he even contributed heavily to the position of new-classical economics. Bibliography Keen, S. (2010). Debunking economics: the naked emperor of the social sciences. London [u. a.], Zed Books. Rima, I. H. (2012). Development of Economic Analysis. Hoboken, Taylor and Francis. http: //www. 123library. org/book_details/? id=86596. Sivagnanam, K. J., Srinivasan, R. (2010). Business economics. New Delhi, Tata McGraw Hill. Amann, W., Spitzeck, H. (2011). Business schools under fire: humanistic management education as the way forward. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
How You Can Use a Research Essay Example
Of course, if you have written research essays in the past, there is no need for you to surf the Internet and look for additional examples to consult. But if it is the first time you encounter a task of this kind, it may be a good idea to look for the ways other people deal with similar problems. Even if you understand the way you have to do the necessary research, you may still be unclear about how the very essay is supposed to be organized and written. Either way, studying a research essay example written by another person, even if he or she writes on a completely unrelated topic, may be beneficial in your situation. How to Write a Research Essay on Any Topic Research essay writing is a pretty usual activity for students, whatever disciplines they happen to study. Although research essays written about hard sciences and humanities have certain differences (humanities generally allow for a more creative and less rigid approach), the majority of characteristic features are still the same. This means that once you have successfully written one essay of this type, you are probably aware of how to write a research essay on any other discipline as well. So, what should you keep in mind when approaching a task of this kind? First of all, choose your topic wisely. Don’t make your topic either too vague or too specific – in the former case it will be hard to encompass all the information you are going to find in a single essay, in the latter one you may find yourself unable to find any information at all. After you’ve defined the topic, do the necessary research – don’t put this stage off, you may find out too la te that you need some source of information that cannot be easily accessed via the Internet. It won’t be a good thing if you encounter such a problem the night before you are supposed to hand your work in. Writing an Essay on Death Penalty Death penalty is a rather common topic for a research essay – it is sufficiently controversial to encourage independent thinking and not controversial enough to be offensive for either writers or readers. Of course, nobody will ask you to write simply about death penalty – you will either be asked somehow to narrow the topic down or will be given a more specific topic by your tutor. If you can choose your topic, do it wisely – although this theme is popular and you are likely to find enough sources of information no matter what you choose, you should still look for balance between originality and availability of data. An ideal essay on death penalty would be the one that covers a topic which tends to be overlooked (for example, the history of death penalty in a particular country), but not the one you will be unable to find anything about. Choose carefully, and you are sure to write something that will satisfy both you and your tutor.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Effects of Economic Imperialism on Colonization in Canada
Economic imperialism is a central part of the ongoing contemporary colonization of indigenous peoples in Canada. Since the colonial era marked the beginning of imperialism in North America, an intricate web of power and domination have formed leaving Indigenous communities in the grip of its economic philosophy. This has led to the ongoing contribution to the disposition of Indigenous peoples in Canada. Economic imperialism can be defined as the need for countries to expand their territories in order to collect resources from their colonies. This illustrates the inherent unsustainability of colonial settler society. In this essay I will look at how the impacts of economic imperialism has had an effect on the development of the indigenous†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¢ The right to decide one’s own fate within a fair social contract, unmolested by aristocracy or ruled by unjust laws. †¢ Property: The right to claim and hold property; When it has been laboured for, one encloses it for greater individual profit the profit of the community of Man, it has been laboured for – Natural means of ownership one encloses it – The process of holding legal â€Å"deed†for greater individual profit – to build investment equity and avoid poverty of waste the profit of the community of Man – Moral commitment to Human Development (Locke: 1689). This supported the notion that men would work together in a contractual diplomacy – and that men who were willing to labour led moral lives and submit to the rule of law would prosper (). The aforementioned described the early forces external colonialism in Canada. Economic imperialism is often seen as a force of power and domination that exists as an historical project with the contemporary formation of treaties and agreements. This is far from the truth – in reality it has been extrapolated into contemporary liberalism through the creation of international institutions such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank that work to serve the same interests. This illustrates that economic imperialism is an ongoing process. Today, the forces of subordination and control are far more entrenched into Canadian society. This can beShow MoreRelatedThe Impact Of British Imperialism On Modern India1244 Words  | 5 Pagesinquiry is to analyze to what extent did British Imperialism have an effect on shaping modern India? 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I think the motivation of protecting any domestic cultural value of any country must be respected to protect their ownRead MoreEffects of imperialism in Asia.1840 Words  | 8 PagesWhat impact did Western imperialism and colonialism have on Asia That Colonialism and imperialism played a significant role in shaping the modern world and particularly Asia is a prudent judgment. Colonialism is a policy in which a country rules other nations and develops trade for its own benefit and the extension of power or authority over others in the interests of domination (2004). The West, which refers to the societies of Europe and their genealogical, colonial, and philosophicalRead MoreThe Creation Of The British Colonial Empire1475 Words  | 6 Pagesaspect about the British is how the imperialism marked the international system in many countries. The First Empire was during 1583 to 1783 and the Second Empire was during 1783 to 1815. 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Britain has a long history of conquest and imperialism, and has held colonies throughout North and South AmericaRead MoreBritish Imperialism Of The Nineteenth Century3025 Words  | 13 Pages According to Keep and Ronall (1999), â€Å"the degree to which British imperialism of the nineteenth century was invested in and maintained by the global traffic in addictive substance is well documented. At mid-century, opium was a major export commodity for Britain’s largest colony, India, and the British government was very sensitive to the profits that could be realized through the sale of the drug. Keep and Ronall claimed that â€Å"addiction was use in the policing of â€Å"otherness†thatRead MoreConstructing My Cultural Identity6012 Words  | 25 Pagesfeminist theoretical framework and anticolonial thought to inform this work. Cet article prà ©sente une analyse critique et rà ©flà ©chie de mon enfance en Jamaà ¯que, oà ¹ j’ai à ©tudià © à une à ©cole coloniale, et de ma transition vers l’à ©cole secondaire au Canada. Je me penche sur les à ©là ©ments qui ont influencà © mon identità © culturelle/raciale comme personne d’ascendance africaine vivant dans la diaspora. Je pose des questions portant sur l’influence de l’à ©ducation coloniale sur mon identità © culturelle etRead More Australian Government Policy Essay3747 Words  | 15 PagesAustralian governmental policies: dispossession, segregation, and assimilation. There are also some recent policies that have acknowledged Aboriginal rights and have increased their autonomy and welfare. This paper will discuss these phases, their effects on the Aborigines and Australia, and the future of Australian race relations. Introduction Investigation into the treatment of and government policies enacted against the Aborigines is an important issue because not many know about the historyRead MoreHis171 Part 7, E3 Eznotes5586 Words  | 23 Pagesengineers with equipment from the West. The exception to this was in a. Japan.* b. China. c. Mexico. d. the Orient Express. e. Russia. 4. The largest railway network in the world at the end of the nineteenth century was in a. Great Britain. b. Canada. c. Mexico. d. Japan. e. the United States.* 5. Industrial chemistry was a great advantage to Germany at the end of the nineteenth century because Germany a. controlled the sources for the raw materials. b. was the most innovative nation atRead MoreThe Practice Of International Social Work2952 Words  | 12 Pagesinternational social work pertain to social justice, social development, social work practice as well as social work education. Canada is actively involved in the International Federation of Social Workers (IFSW), the International Association of Schools of Social Work (IASSW), the UN Interregional Consultation on Developmental Social Welfare Policies and Programs (Hiranandani, 2008). Canada also participated in the founding of the World Health Organization and United Nations in 1945, and drafting the Universal
Rather the officials should have spoken Free Essays
In the essay the author is attempting to protect the rights of free speech through persuasion rather than through threats and intimidations. In promoting his views, the author cites the example of an incident that took place at Harvard. It is the author’s contention that the university officials should not have enforced their rules on the offending students. We will write a custom essay sample on Rather the officials should have spoken or any similar topic only for you Order Now Rather the officials should have spoken with the students in order to help them understand the effect that their action would have on the rest of the community. In developing his perspective, the author brings to light the dilemma that the first amendment presents in allowing such displays. However the author also suggests a way out. He is asking the university officials not to enforce any kind of rules on such displays. It is his contention that such a course of action will only generate more interest in such behaviors and therefore a vicious cycle will result. In other words, the author is suggesting that the university official should not create too much publicity in dealing with such an issue. The author’s purpose in the essay is to explore the different ways in which arguments over free speech can be resolved. The incident that he mentions has to do with some students hanging a confederate flag in view. The First Amendment permits this. However it offends other members of the community. Therefore this is a difficult issue to resolve. On the one hand, university officials should not restrict the expression of free speech. On the other hand, they cannot allow freedom of speech to offend other members of the community. The author also mentions that some communities have enacted codes to resolve such situations while others have refused to impose such restrictions. The author’s purpose in this essay is to find a middle way. This is because enacting codes will only generate more interest in the area so that people will resort to more extreme forms of free speech. Refusing to impose restrictions will also not solve the problem because in this case the rights of free speech will be abused. The purpose of the author in this essay is to suggest a different way in which the issues raised can be resolved. In promoting his views, the author is citing examples of an incident that occurred at Harvard. This incident forms the core of this essay. Resolving the issues raised in this situation forms the structure of the essay. In developing the structure, the author draws upon the First Amendment to resolve the issue. However he brings to light how the First Amendment fails to resolve the situation that arose at Harvard. Therefore he argues for a greater level of communication with the students in order to help them decide for themselves whether what they did was right or wrong. The author believes that this is the only way for the university officials to resolve the situation with the minimum of publicity. The author believes that the publicity that will result from enforcing restrictions will have the opposite effect. Therefore the university officials should try to resolve the issue internally by talking to the students. In presenting his views, the author argued the validity of imposing restrictions when such restrictions will only create more interest in the problem. The author clearly sympathizes with the students’ right to do what they did. However he seeks to communicate the importance of talking to the students in order to help them understand why what they could be considered subversive. He brings to light the fact that the students are clearly in their rights to hang the flag as it is permitted by the First Amendment. However he also argues over the inappropriateness of this action. He advises against enforcing restrictions. He believes that this will only create more awareness of this problem so that other students will be interested to create similar situations. Clearly it is in the university officials’ interest to minimize the number of these incidents and to that end, the university officials should resolve such situations privately by discussing the issues with the students. Therefore the author seeks to find a third way other than enforcing codes or doing nothing. In this respect, he stresses the importance of maintaining the balance between free speech and mutual respect. He says that this objective can be met through education and persuasion. How to cite Rather the officials should have spoken, Papers
Friday, April 24, 2020
The Bluest Eye Essay Example For Students
The Bluest Eye Essay In the book, The Bluest Eye, Toni Morrison gets across a very powerful idea that is found in every society today. Although the book is written during the 1940s and most of the events that occur mirror that time period, the main idea transcends to this day and age. It describes a family full of ugliness, which was assumed to them for no particular reason, by their conviction. Im concretely studying a section from one chapter of this intense story, from pages 28 to 33. In this section of the novel a short, but yet significant description of the main characters is given. From additional information, I know that Pecola is the innocent and self-hated main character, but doesnt seem so in this section. What is most intensely described is the continuous fight or arguments between the drunken Cholly and Mrs. Breedlove. Once again Cholly came home drunk, and Mrs. Breedlove, simply for arguing asked for coal, when she knew she could go herself or get her children to go. After a sneeze, Mrs. Breedlove threw a bucket of fresh water at his husband and then a big fight went along, leaving Cholly dead (unconscious) on the floor. Following this, a description of the way Sammy and Pecola saw these continuous fights in their world. Sammy intends to escape from this threat, and Pecola wants to disappear, and blames it all on her ugliness. We will write a custom essay on The Bluest Eye specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now This section, as the whole novel, is writing in third person, and contains deep descriptions of the same story through different points of view. These descriptions are harsh, but yet very direct, for an easier visualization of the characters. The tension is gradually built trough the description of the characters, providing detailed intimate feelings of them. Reading this section we understand each character, as Morrison reveals in a deep manner the most inner thoughts of each character. The language makes this novel even easier to understand and picture, as it conveys the culture of the main characters. The novel is divided into short sharp sections to provide a more disjointed look towards the story and therefore make the descriptions deeper and drag the reader into a full description with tension, imagery, feelings, thoughts, fights, self-hatred, etc. The paragraphs seem to be divided in the same way, each paragraph to look at what occurs in the different characters. I.e. through Pecolas eyes or in Sammy head. There is a deep irony through the novel contrasting the name breed love; and the reality that the family has to face. At the beginning of the section of the novel, a full deep description of the family is given. They were poor and black, crooked noses; high cheekbones, regular hairlines, shapely lips, but you still couldnt find the source for their ugliness. This story concerns many themes, which are still in society today. Pecola wants to have blue eyes, when usually white people only have blue eyes. At the end of the novel Pecola is destroyed due to the aggression around her, she thought her family position was her fault, because of her ugliness. The story in many ways deals with internal and external ugliness, and the way people can believe things if they are confident, they stayed there because they believed they were ugly. At the time this novel was written, black people had a lower status, and this was an influence on the story as the main characters, especially Pecola, want to get rid of this status. There is a strong message sent in this section, not only the pity for the children, but a question to own ideals. Should we really judge people, to the point of not wanting their presence, by the external look? Or should we rather know them interiorly? Where black people depreciated just because of their skin colour, which is only a difference in melanin? The author gets this message across by using a black and poor family as an example, and states how ridiculous this really is, and how the main characters (Pecola, and Sammy) are destroyed by what is around them. .uc9d969493ef02ccdd6237a1eb2ab9682 , .uc9d969493ef02ccdd6237a1eb2ab9682 .postImageUrl , .uc9d969493ef02ccdd6237a1eb2ab9682 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uc9d969493ef02ccdd6237a1eb2ab9682 , .uc9d969493ef02ccdd6237a1eb2ab9682:hover , .uc9d969493ef02ccdd6237a1eb2ab9682:visited , .uc9d969493ef02ccdd6237a1eb2ab9682:active { border:0!important; } .uc9d969493ef02ccdd6237a1eb2ab9682 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uc9d969493ef02ccdd6237a1eb2ab9682 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uc9d969493ef02ccdd6237a1eb2ab9682:active , .uc9d969493ef02ccdd6237a1eb2ab9682:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uc9d969493ef02ccdd6237a1eb2ab9682 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uc9d969493ef02ccdd6237a1eb2ab9682 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uc9d969493ef02ccdd6237a1eb2ab9682 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uc9d969493ef02ccdd6237a1eb2ab9682 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uc9d969493ef02ccdd6237a1eb2ab9682:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uc9d969493ef02ccdd6237a1eb2ab9682 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uc9d969493ef02ccdd6237a1eb2ab9682 .uc9d969493ef02ccdd6237a1eb2ab9682-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uc9d969493ef02ccdd6237a1eb2ab9682:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The Nobel Prize in Literature EssayFrom what I have read of the novel, I think that it is a sophisticated story that deals with strong society issues, that has a deep and tragic story of a poor family that is destroyed partly due to the people around them. I would like to read the entire novel, and I think its a very intense and drags the readers attention to make it think about many different themes. This story relates to out topic, abusive relationships, and this abuse is portrayed by Cholly and Mrs. Breedlove, that are continually discussing because of their need to. This violent breaks in routine, that were themselves routine, made Mrs. Breedlove more splendid in he r tasks, and herself. This relationship needed violence in their lives to make their lives more tolerable and they were both victims and abusers, making an even more complicated relationship full of discussions and fights. These relationships are abusing themselves, mentally and physically, knocking him right back, he stuck her several times in the face. But this violence doesnt finish here; it also creates grandiose disasters beyond the daughter and sun of this couple. This is a piece of a novel and it doesnt give direct ideas towards our final production, but it does increase our knowledge with examples of this abusive relationships, and it gives us knowledge about the different consequences that this has beyond others, and how they react to it.
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
A Review of Kate Chopins The Awakening Research Paper Example
A Review of Kate Chopins The Awakening Research Paper Example A Review of Kate Chopins The Awakening Paper A Review of Kate Chopins The Awakening Paper Essay Topic: The Awakening The survivor squints, nods for a while and finally asks timidly: Its been while since my ship sank Could you please build a motorway connecting my lonely island to the mainland and procure an ultraist car which I can use to travel back home? The genie furrows his brow, outs and shakes his head, and goes on complaining about all the mess with drying up the ocean, all the concrete he has to fix, and so on, and so on. The survivor, nonplussed, asks again: You know, dear genie, throughout my whole life one thing was disturbing me much more than any other: comprehending the womans nature. You know, I would really love to know why they have their whimsies, moods, why are they so capricious once in every while The genie raises his hand and cuts in: Mortal one, do you want a two- or four-lane Its Incredibly hard to malting an objective tone when writing about an Idea as ridiculous as the point made by Katie Chopin in her novel, The Awakening. Although I perceive myself as an open-minded and world-curious person, every tolerance has its limits There were moments when I had to resist the urge to put the little brown mom away for good, and only being cognizant of consequences of such action to my English grade made me force myself through the yellowish pages. Why did its content disturb me to the point of patting palm against the forehead and shaking my head In distaste? The main character of the novel, Edna Pointillist leads a comfortable life. A sweet, loving husband, cute children, enormous amounts of money and an extremely large house. Yet with all of this, Edna Is not fulfilled. After six years of marriage to Leonie, Edna feels an ever-growing void In her life and starts a frantic pursuit for something to fill this void with; the pursuit that we have questionable pleasure to see both from inside (her feelings) and outside (reactions of her friends). Tell me that I am chauvinistic, but isnt marriage based on the concept of mutual agreement to be together in both the thick and thin times? How comes that when men cheat on their wives It Is perceived as a deed of execrableness, whereas thelengthened women such as Edna are free to simply get bored with their lifes ratters Anita cool main character De a topic AT another essay, out, coming Deck to cocoons novels She gives up all of her responsibilities such as taking care of her children when they were sick and she never spent time playing with them. Let alone rejecting her loving husband offers and showing Juvenile boldness as when she breaks a valuable vase or tries to crush the wedding ring. If this shows a contrast between her inner, awakening self and the confining role she has to play in society, as a mother and a fife. Then, well, maybe my tiny brain is not capable of comprehending all of this. After the novel rediscovery in 1969, the book has been often praised for its treatment of womens issue. With Edna being lifted to the rank of an universal all- feminist icon, and posthumous near-reverence of the novels author, Kate Chopin, one could see hardly any voices of criticism. The time of adulation, however, passed and now re-readings of the novel tend to criticize its treatment of race and class. The caged Edna turns out to be quite an egocentric character, failing to relate her own social confinement to the subordinate status of the faceless black servants in the novel. Time for some so-called final words. Should I be deeply touched in the very end of the book, when our crippled bird, Edna Pointillist, commits suicide in the billowing sea mass? Probably. But let me be frank; now its my turn to break with the conveyance I simply wasnt. I Just rolled my tired eyes, and, muttering something about maddens fate, turned off the night lamp and fell asleep
Sunday, March 1, 2020
Nouns in Spanish and How They Are Used
Nouns in Spanish and How They Are Used Nouns are an essential part of speech in Spanish and English and can be found in most sentences. Definition of ‘Noun’ In English and Spanish, a noun is a word that refers to and names a person, place, thing, concept, entity, or action. By itself, a noun does not indicate any action or indicate how it relates to other words. Grammatically, a noun can serve as the subject of a sentence or the object of a verb or preposition. Nouns can also be described by adjectives or replaced by pronouns. Similarities and Differences Between Nouns in Spanish and English Nouns function in much the same way in Spanish and English. They typically but not necessarily come before a verb and relate to other parts of speech in similar ways. They can be singular or plural. But there are at least three major differences: Spanish nouns have gender. Nouns listed as such in dictionaries are either masculine or feminine. The designation is often arbitrary - some words associated with males are feminine, and a word such as persona (person) is feminine whether it refers to males or females. Some words can be masculine or feminine depending on the meaning. The significance of gender is that masculine nouns are accompanied by masculine adjectives, and feminine nouns use feminine adjectives.Complete sentences in Spanish do not need nouns (or even pronouns) if the meaning remains clear without them, in part because verb conjugation and gendered adjectives give more information about the subject in Spanish than they do in English. For example, rather than saying Mi coche es rojo for My car is red (coche is the word for car) you could say merely Es rojo if its clear what youre talking about.In English it is very common for nouns to function as adjectives; such nouns are called attributive nouns. For example, in dog leash, dog is an attributive noun. But with rare exceptions, Spanish connects the descriptive noun to the main noun using a preposition, often de. Thus a dog leash is either correa de perro (literally, leash of dog) or correa para perros (leash for dogs). Types of Spanish Nouns Spanish nouns can be classified in numerous ways; six types are listed below. The categories listed here are not exclusive - most nouns in fact fit into more than one category. And since Spanish and English both come from Indo-European, these categories apply to English as well. Common nouns are the most common type of noun. A common noun refers to things, being or concepts without referring to a specific one of them. For example, humano (human) is a common noun, but Catrina is not, because it refers to a specific human. Other examples of common nouns include ordenador (computer), valle (valley), felicidad (happiness), and grupo (group).Proper nouns refer to a specific thing or being. As in English, Spanish proper nouns are typically capitalized. Examples of proper nouns include Casa Blanca (White House), Enrique (Henry), Panam (Panama), and Torre Eiffel (Eiffel Tower). Some nouns can be either common or proper, depending on the context. For example, Luna is a proper noun when referring to the moon that circles the Earth (note the capitalization), while luna is a common noun when it refers to a planetary satellite in general.Countable nouns refer to entities that can be counted. Examples include casa (house), loma (hill), mà ³vil (cellphone), and nariz (nos e).Uncountable nouns, sometimes called partitive nouns, refer to things that cant be counted, such as concepts. Examples include tristeza (sadness), indignacià ³n (anger), and opulencia (opulence). Many nouns can be countable or uncountable depending on how they are used. For example, leche (milk) is countable when it refers to types of milk but uncountable when referring to quantities. Collective nouns are used to represent a group of individual nouns. Examples of collective nouns include rebaà ±o (flock), multitud (multitude), and equipo (team).Abstract nouns refer to qualities or concepts rather than things or beings. Examples include inteligencia (intelligence), miedo (fright), and virtud (virtue). Key Takeaways Nouns in English in Spanish function in sentences in very similar ways and can be classified in the same ways.A key difference between the nouns of the two languages is that Spanish nouns have gender.Pronouns sometimes substitute for nouns, and in Spanish subject nouns are frequently omitted from complete sentences.
Friday, February 14, 2020
Terrorism and the Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Terrorism and the Law - Essay Example An analysis of the problem of terrorism in USA, covering both the aspect of international and domestic has been considered and the study of the law incorporated by the government in handling matters of terrorism has been considered. Terrorism was largely held as an international and the foreign policy of the organizations. However various terrorist groups started focusing all its attention towards the United States from the beginning of this decade. In the year 2001, almost 63% of all the terror attacks were aimed at the citizens of the United States (Perl, 2003). Terror attacks have not only occurred in the United States but the citizens of the country have been massively affected in other parts of the world also. The catastrophic event in the World trade center is by far the worst terror attack which mankind has experienced. However US started experiencing the threat of terror much before the disaster in the World Trade Center. The country had also faced numerous cases of domestic terrorism, carried out by the citizens of US between the periods of 1980 to 2000. United States of America was seriously affected by domestic terrorism in various parts of Arizona, California, and Illinois. The areas were massively affected by such acts of terror and the government had a hard time bringing the situations under their control. Even the accused of the terror attacks which took place in California were convicted and several domestic extremist were arrested but such acts of terror were never under the control. Domestic terrorism spread in the country because of the right wing extremist and for the attainment of various political reasons in the country. However in recent times the act of domestic terrorism has been overshadowed by the international terrorism. The domestic terrorists based in US carry out the attacks not only on the human beings but
Saturday, February 1, 2020
Role of Public-Private Partnerships in Mixed Economies Coursework
Role of Public-Private Partnerships in Mixed Economies - Coursework Example This paper offers a comprehensive analysis of effective cooperation in a form of PPP between UK government and NATS Holdings Limited, the renowned service provider in the field of air navigation. The perception of mixed economy is principally described as a financial system that comprises a mix of both collectivism and capitalism notions. A capitalist system is primarily based upon personal profits, private ownerships, labours and investments. On the contrary, a socialist arrangement typically involves the financial activities that are regulated as well as controlled publicly by the active engagement of planning councils along with different governmental bodies Mixed economy type generally embraces an amalgamation of private financial freedom and centralised monetary planning along with governmental regulations Certain crucial factors like globalisation, extreme business market competition and internationalisation have ultimately urged the importance of conducting the PPP approach by a significant level. It has been often argued in this regard that public services require becoming more innovative for the purpose of developing the lifestyle of the individuals or the people belonging to this contemporary world and most vitally, to enhance economies of dissimilar nations. One of the innovative practices adopted as well as executed by NATS is conducting the PPP approach with motive of enhancing its financial position. The significant concern of partnership working has become much significant in delivering effectual public services. ... These benefits might include generating greater monetary value, delivering different sorts of projects in an effective as well as timely manner, effectively exploiting the state assets and resources, generating diversity along with innovation especially in the stipulation of public services (RPA, 2008). Furthermore, the other benefits that can be availed from establishing PPP comprise accessing better finance towards private sectors, raising lucidity in the operational procedures while undertaking any sort of project and most vitally delivering superior infrastructure related solutions (Dept of Economic Affairs, 2011). With this concern, this paper intends to analyse a PPP with reference to the example of NATS Holdings Limited applying certain significant aspects grounded on the arguments revealing that pubic services need to be more innovative and the idea concerning partnership working has become much important, especially when concerning the deliverance of effective public service s. A Brief Overview of NATS Holdings Limited NATS Holdings Limited, which was previously acknowledged as National Air Traffic Services, is viewed as one the foremost service providers relating to air navigation in the United Kingdom (UK). The vision of the company has been to become a worldwide leader in the business segment of offering pioneering solutions linked with air-traffic and airport performance as well (NATS Limited, 2013). It has been apparently observed that the business market concerning the services relating to air-traffic is incessantly transforming due to extensive long-term growth in the sector of aviation both nationally and internationally. Thus, it
Friday, January 24, 2020
The Death Penalty, Inaccurately Supported :: Argumentative Persuasive Papers
The Death Penalty, Inaccurately Supported Tommy, sixteen, poor, and mentally retarded constantly found himself being teased and hit by the town bully. He never knew what to do, he would always just look down at the ground and allow himself to get beat up. One day his friend told him that if the bully teased him again he should defend himself and hit him back. The following day, as usual, the bully started to make fun of him and to throw punches at him, afraid and not knowing what to do, Tommy began to hit the bully back. Once he noticed that the bully was afraid and that he had stopped hitting him Tommy, unable to control his actions, continued to beat the nineteen-year-old bully until he fell on the floor and lay motionless. In trial, Tommy’s jobless mom was unable to pay for an attorney so the state provided him with one who could care less about what happened in the case. Tommy received a sentence to death row. Now confused as ever he awaits the day when someone will put him to death by lethal injection. E ven though Tommy’s mental handicap doesn’t allow him to understand what he’s done, he will be executed for his actions. Not only do many states allow the execution of the mentally retarded, but they are also likely to send the poor and mentally ill to death row quicker than the rich <>. Aside from being biased, the death penalty is an expensive, cruel, and ineffective deterrent to crime. Many of today’s executions are based on society’s prejudices. "It is.†¦ believed that we have a system where race and wealth are often more of a determinant of punishment than the brutality or evil motive of the criminal, a system driven by revenge and politics much more than by justice or fairness." <> Although only 12 percent of America’s population is composed of African- Americans, they make up 50 percent of prison population and 40 percent of death row’s population. <> Because of generalizations made by society, "a black man is ten to twelve times more likely to receive the death penalty than a white man even if the same crimes were committed." <www.people.virginia> Aside from being racially biased, capital punishment is also prejudice against the poor. Those who are on trial and cannot afford to pay for an attorney are provided with one by the court.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
By The Waters Of Babylon Essay
In the short story â€Å"By the Waters of Babylon†by Stephen Vincent Benet the author uses structure to impact the readers understanding of truth by using the literary device Foreshadowing and another literary device situation Irony. â€Å"It is forbidden to cross the Great river and look upon the place that was the place of the gods-This is the most strictly forbidden†. The author gives hints along the story that changes the readers perspective from what seems a long lost broken down civilization full of rituals from ancient time to an understanding that it’s based on the future after an event called â€Å"†¦The Great Burning†occurred. The author creates an impact on the reader by engaging the person on a mindset of an understanding that completely is turned around. â€Å"The North and the West and the South are good hunting ground, but it is forbidden to go east. It is forbidden to go to any of the Dead Places except to search for metal and then he who touches the metal must be a Priest or the son of a Priest†. The author here starts painting a image in the readers mind of a time were people hunted and did rituals a time were you had to find valuables to survive like metal! Creating a connection in the readers mind of ancient civilization. Making a focus on the forbidden places allows the reader to further engage trying to understand what will happen next causing suspense, but also keeping in mind what was being hunted was metal causing the reader to keep curiosity or doubt about the setting. All these choices on the structure of the short story start to impact the reader. â€Å"If the hunters think we do all things by chants and spells, they may believe so-it does not hurt them. I was taught how to read in the old books and how to make the old writings –that was hard and took a long time.†While the author has the reader in a doubt trying to determine the setting after seeing they would hunt for metal the author brings the reader back to the culture of the young man’s life as stated above making the reader start catching hints between the way he was raised as would the people in ancient days but the reality of the setting in the future after metal was invented, this is where we truly see the foreshadowing take effect. This literary device being used in the short story creates a huge impact on the reader showing you how the confusion and how greatly it engages the reader to find out the truth. What really confirms the setting is when the author illustrates a scene were the sons priest reaches the â€Å"Dead places†or the place of the Gods. â€Å"Nevertheless, it was strange. There was a washing-place but no waterâ€â€perhaps the gods washed in air. There was a cooking place but no wood, and though there was a machine to cook food, there was no place to fire in it.†Here we can see clearly that the sons priest has reached a city in ruins that civilization is learning what has happened on earth and seeing how the â€Å"gods†that are humans lived. The machine is a stove were they would cook but now with no electricity he expects too see a fire a pit. Hear the author illustrates a sink a place to wash dishes but he’s confused because he sees no water because civilization would use fossils to have water come out to wash .Here the author creates a image clear enough to have the reader understand the foreshadowing. Throughout this short story the author impacts the reader with the structure of his writing. He uses literally devices like foreshadowing, situational irony and imagery. The author creates a confusion having the reader pick up hints along the way to try and decipher where these events are taken place. All these things lead the reader to the truth of the story.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Integrity In To Kill A Mockingbird - 1000 Words
A6 Integrity is a compelling concept due to the fact that it is a necessity for the structure of human and societal developments. Each and every member of society must have integrity in order to have a properly functioning community. This is shown through characters such as Atticus from ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’ written by Harper Lee, a historical fiction novel, and P.K, the protagonist of another historical fiction called ‘The Power of One’ written by Bryce Courtenay. The similarity between the two characters is that where instead of following social norms blindly, they critically think virtuously. Atticus does not bend towards the will of the society, but rather challenges it for the sake of justice; as does†¦show more content†¦Furthermore, Tom’s trial also affects Atticus’ personal life because it creates internal conflict within Scout, who is unsure of whether to follow society or her father. However, when faced with this dilemma, he c ounters in a manner that is not appealing, but rather eye-opening. Atticus firmly tells Scout: â€Å"This time we aren’t fighting the Yankees, we’re fighting our friends. But remember this, no matter how bitter things get, they’re still our friends and this is still our home.†( Lee, 76 ). By stating that he can not be selective about his cases and how he must uphold the law at all times, Atticus shows Scout that his integrity will not compromised for the sake of his community. This shows the magnitude Atticus is willing to go to not stray from his original morals. The fact that he did not sugarcoat his beliefs for Scout emphasizes how necessary he finds it to stay true to himself, this reinforces that he is not willing to bend his moral code for those closest to him such as his own flesh and blood. This also alludes to the abstract idea that he is willing to sacrifice himself in order to follow his sense of integrity and avoid undermining it. When the t own’s men gather at the jail Tom is residing in, they come armed with weapons for their â€Å"snipe hunt†(Lee 151), to ensure that Tom does not make it to his trial. Atticus, who is standing there as Tom’s shield, does not waver in front of the mob of angry white men.Show MoreRelatedIntegrity in to Kill a Mockingbird870 Words  | 4 PagesKristin Howard To kill a mockingbird by Harper lee The power of Integrity Integrity is having a standard of morals and ethics, and living by them. It is a willingness and ability to do the right thing even when it is hard. The story To Kill a Mockingbird is filled with integrity. For example, many of the people in Maycomb share a prejudiced sense of integrity when it comes to its racist views. However, it is Atticus Finch’s integrity throughout the novel that really embodies the idea of moralRead MoreTheme Of Integrity In To Kill A Mockingbird969 Words  | 4 PagesIntegrity is a necessity for the development of human and societal structures. Each and every member of society must possess the value of integrity in order to have a properly functioning community. In both the historical fictions called, To Kill a Mockingbird written by Harper Lee and The Power of One directed by John G.Avildsen, there are two dynamic characters, who, instead of following social norms blindly, critically think virtuously. In To Kill a Mockingbird Atticus does not ben d towards theRead MoreKill A Mockingbird By Harper Lee1054 Words  | 5 PagesLuca Pallotta Ms. McCullough ENG1D 25 April 2017 Why Atticus Finch is an Admirable Character in To Kill a Mockingbird The novel To Kill a Mockingbird, by Harper Lee, takes place in the fictional town of Maycomb, located in Alabama. Atticus is a lawyer in Maycomb, and is also one of the most important characters in the novel; he is also the father of both Scout and Jem. Atticus tries to raise his kids to have very good morals, and to respect everyone regardless of any of their differences includingRead MoreTheme Of Symbolism In To Kill A Mockingbird791 Words  | 4 PagesTo Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee is a multi-faceted novel which explores the principles and morals of people in the South during the 1930s. Mockingbirds are symbolic of the people that society abuse. Lee narrates the events of the novel using Scout’s voice and uses this technique to add emotional context and develop themes. Themes of racial and classist prejudice are developed by Lee to challenge the reader. These techniques are all powerful ways to alter the views of the reader. MockingbirdsRead MoreEssay on The Layers of Mrs. Dubose in To Kill a Mockingbird1102 Words  | 5 PagesThe Layers of Mrs. Dubose in To Kill a Mockingbird      Toothpaste: it is made up of so many different ingredients. You can look at a tube of toothpaste, study it, observe the colors of the plastic container and notice the size and shape of it. You can guess all you want whats on the inside, but you will never know until it is squeezed. People: they are made up of so many different things. You can look at them, study their behaviors, and observe their appearances. You can make manyRead MoreKill A Mockingbird : Overcoming Stereotypes Reveals Truth About Characters1745 Words  | 7 Pages To Kill A Mockingbird: Overcoming Stereotypes Reveals Truth About Characters During the heart of the Great Depression in Maycomb County, Alabama, an individual s appearance, values, and reputation often are sources of limitation to the categorical minds of society. In Harper Lee’s To Kill A Mockingbird, confinement of even the most complex characters expresses the limiting scope of view of the prejudice society. Atticus Finch, a prosperous small-town lawyer and single father of Scout and JemRead MoreLoss Of Innocence In To Kill A Mockingbird Essay721 Words  | 3 Pagesâ€Å"No man knows the value of innocence and integrity but he who has lost them†In this quotation, The unknown writer explains that innocence has such great value and no man knows the importance of it except those who has lost them. In To Kill a Mockingbird, By Harper Lee, There are three different characters that are portrayed as Mockingbirds. In To Kill a Mockingbird, The Mockingbird represents Loss of innocence. Three characters that are Mockingbirds are Jem finch, Boo radley, and Tom Robinson. FirstRead MoreKill A Mockingbird : A Historical Fiction Book Written By Harper Lee1650 Words  | 7 PagesTo Kill a Mockingbird To Kill a Mockingbird is a historical fiction book written by Harper Lee. Scout Finch and her brother Jem Finch live in sleepy Maycomb County Alabama around the 1930s. The pair soon meet Dill, the nephew of Aunt Rachel, who becomes their summer friend. They soon become obsessed with their mysterious neighbor who seldom is seen in public, named Boo Radley. Their father, Atticus, is one of the town lawyers who takes on case that changes the children’s lives. This culminatesRead MoreMoral Values And Life Lessons On The Eyes Of Scout, By Harper Lee1305 Words  | 6 Pagespresent day, no matter when the novel was written. To Kill A Mockingbird, by Harper Lee the iconic novel exposes timeless themes and issues which are just as relevant today as they were when the novel was written. The novel follows the eyes of Scout, a young girl. She observes many timeless issues and begins to comprehend the value of her morals. It is through the townspeople of Maycomb that timeless themes ar e exposed. To Kill A Mockingbird is a timeless novel because of the universal themes, moralRead MoreEssay On Discrimination In To Kill A Mockingbird955 Words  | 4 Pagesagainst because they aren’t â€Å"normal†. Society can fight back, they don’t have to accept this hatred that prevails throughout the world. Everybody just needs to have courage, integrity and tolerance, the necessary traits to help end the discrimination that is in the world, which Harper Lee shows perfectly in To Kill a Mockingbird. One of the main themes in this book is courage. It is repeatedly mentioned and emphasized throughout the book. In this book Atticus, a white man, defends a black man in
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