Rubric 1 Paragraph Essay With A Topic Sentence, 2 Supporting Details, And A Concluding Sentence
Friday, January 24, 2020
The Death Penalty, Inaccurately Supported :: Argumentative Persuasive Papers
The Death Penalty, Inaccurately Supported Tommy, sixteen, poor, and mentally retarded constantly found himself being teased and hit by the town bully. He never knew what to do, he would always just look down at the ground and allow himself to get beat up. One day his friend told him that if the bully teased him again he should defend himself and hit him back. The following day, as usual, the bully started to make fun of him and to throw punches at him, afraid and not knowing what to do, Tommy began to hit the bully back. Once he noticed that the bully was afraid and that he had stopped hitting him Tommy, unable to control his actions, continued to beat the nineteen-year-old bully until he fell on the floor and lay motionless. In trial, Tommy’s jobless mom was unable to pay for an attorney so the state provided him with one who could care less about what happened in the case. Tommy received a sentence to death row. Now confused as ever he awaits the day when someone will put him to death by lethal injection. E ven though Tommy’s mental handicap doesn’t allow him to understand what he’s done, he will be executed for his actions. Not only do many states allow the execution of the mentally retarded, but they are also likely to send the poor and mentally ill to death row quicker than the rich <>. Aside from being biased, the death penalty is an expensive, cruel, and ineffective deterrent to crime. Many of today’s executions are based on society’s prejudices. "It is.†¦ believed that we have a system where race and wealth are often more of a determinant of punishment than the brutality or evil motive of the criminal, a system driven by revenge and politics much more than by justice or fairness." <> Although only 12 percent of America’s population is composed of African- Americans, they make up 50 percent of prison population and 40 percent of death row’s population. <> Because of generalizations made by society, "a black man is ten to twelve times more likely to receive the death penalty than a white man even if the same crimes were committed." <www.people.virginia> Aside from being racially biased, capital punishment is also prejudice against the poor. Those who are on trial and cannot afford to pay for an attorney are provided with one by the court.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
By The Waters Of Babylon Essay
In the short story â€Å"By the Waters of Babylon†by Stephen Vincent Benet the author uses structure to impact the readers understanding of truth by using the literary device Foreshadowing and another literary device situation Irony. â€Å"It is forbidden to cross the Great river and look upon the place that was the place of the gods-This is the most strictly forbidden†. The author gives hints along the story that changes the readers perspective from what seems a long lost broken down civilization full of rituals from ancient time to an understanding that it’s based on the future after an event called â€Å"†¦The Great Burning†occurred. The author creates an impact on the reader by engaging the person on a mindset of an understanding that completely is turned around. â€Å"The North and the West and the South are good hunting ground, but it is forbidden to go east. It is forbidden to go to any of the Dead Places except to search for metal and then he who touches the metal must be a Priest or the son of a Priest†. The author here starts painting a image in the readers mind of a time were people hunted and did rituals a time were you had to find valuables to survive like metal! Creating a connection in the readers mind of ancient civilization. Making a focus on the forbidden places allows the reader to further engage trying to understand what will happen next causing suspense, but also keeping in mind what was being hunted was metal causing the reader to keep curiosity or doubt about the setting. All these choices on the structure of the short story start to impact the reader. â€Å"If the hunters think we do all things by chants and spells, they may believe so-it does not hurt them. I was taught how to read in the old books and how to make the old writings –that was hard and took a long time.†While the author has the reader in a doubt trying to determine the setting after seeing they would hunt for metal the author brings the reader back to the culture of the young man’s life as stated above making the reader start catching hints between the way he was raised as would the people in ancient days but the reality of the setting in the future after metal was invented, this is where we truly see the foreshadowing take effect. This literary device being used in the short story creates a huge impact on the reader showing you how the confusion and how greatly it engages the reader to find out the truth. What really confirms the setting is when the author illustrates a scene were the sons priest reaches the â€Å"Dead places†or the place of the Gods. â€Å"Nevertheless, it was strange. There was a washing-place but no waterâ€â€perhaps the gods washed in air. There was a cooking place but no wood, and though there was a machine to cook food, there was no place to fire in it.†Here we can see clearly that the sons priest has reached a city in ruins that civilization is learning what has happened on earth and seeing how the â€Å"gods†that are humans lived. The machine is a stove were they would cook but now with no electricity he expects too see a fire a pit. Hear the author illustrates a sink a place to wash dishes but he’s confused because he sees no water because civilization would use fossils to have water come out to wash .Here the author creates a image clear enough to have the reader understand the foreshadowing. Throughout this short story the author impacts the reader with the structure of his writing. He uses literally devices like foreshadowing, situational irony and imagery. The author creates a confusion having the reader pick up hints along the way to try and decipher where these events are taken place. All these things lead the reader to the truth of the story.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Integrity In To Kill A Mockingbird - 1000 Words
A6 Integrity is a compelling concept due to the fact that it is a necessity for the structure of human and societal developments. Each and every member of society must have integrity in order to have a properly functioning community. This is shown through characters such as Atticus from ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’ written by Harper Lee, a historical fiction novel, and P.K, the protagonist of another historical fiction called ‘The Power of One’ written by Bryce Courtenay. The similarity between the two characters is that where instead of following social norms blindly, they critically think virtuously. Atticus does not bend towards the will of the society, but rather challenges it for the sake of justice; as does†¦show more content†¦Furthermore, Tom’s trial also affects Atticus’ personal life because it creates internal conflict within Scout, who is unsure of whether to follow society or her father. However, when faced with this dilemma, he c ounters in a manner that is not appealing, but rather eye-opening. Atticus firmly tells Scout: â€Å"This time we aren’t fighting the Yankees, we’re fighting our friends. But remember this, no matter how bitter things get, they’re still our friends and this is still our home.†( Lee, 76 ). By stating that he can not be selective about his cases and how he must uphold the law at all times, Atticus shows Scout that his integrity will not compromised for the sake of his community. This shows the magnitude Atticus is willing to go to not stray from his original morals. The fact that he did not sugarcoat his beliefs for Scout emphasizes how necessary he finds it to stay true to himself, this reinforces that he is not willing to bend his moral code for those closest to him such as his own flesh and blood. This also alludes to the abstract idea that he is willing to sacrifice himself in order to follow his sense of integrity and avoid undermining it. When the t own’s men gather at the jail Tom is residing in, they come armed with weapons for their â€Å"snipe hunt†(Lee 151), to ensure that Tom does not make it to his trial. Atticus, who is standing there as Tom’s shield, does not waver in front of the mob of angry white men.Show MoreRelatedIntegrity in to Kill a Mockingbird870 Words  | 4 PagesKristin Howard To kill a mockingbird by Harper lee The power of Integrity Integrity is having a standard of morals and ethics, and living by them. It is a willingness and ability to do the right thing even when it is hard. The story To Kill a Mockingbird is filled with integrity. For example, many of the people in Maycomb share a prejudiced sense of integrity when it comes to its racist views. However, it is Atticus Finch’s integrity throughout the novel that really embodies the idea of moralRead MoreTheme Of Integrity In To Kill A Mockingbird969 Words  | 4 PagesIntegrity is a necessity for the development of human and societal structures. Each and every member of society must possess the value of integrity in order to have a properly functioning community. In both the historical fictions called, To Kill a Mockingbird written by Harper Lee and The Power of One directed by John G.Avildsen, there are two dynamic characters, who, instead of following social norms blindly, critically think virtuously. In To Kill a Mockingbird Atticus does not ben d towards theRead MoreKill A Mockingbird By Harper Lee1054 Words  | 5 PagesLuca Pallotta Ms. McCullough ENG1D 25 April 2017 Why Atticus Finch is an Admirable Character in To Kill a Mockingbird The novel To Kill a Mockingbird, by Harper Lee, takes place in the fictional town of Maycomb, located in Alabama. Atticus is a lawyer in Maycomb, and is also one of the most important characters in the novel; he is also the father of both Scout and Jem. Atticus tries to raise his kids to have very good morals, and to respect everyone regardless of any of their differences includingRead MoreTheme Of Symbolism In To Kill A Mockingbird791 Words  | 4 PagesTo Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee is a multi-faceted novel which explores the principles and morals of people in the South during the 1930s. Mockingbirds are symbolic of the people that society abuse. Lee narrates the events of the novel using Scout’s voice and uses this technique to add emotional context and develop themes. Themes of racial and classist prejudice are developed by Lee to challenge the reader. These techniques are all powerful ways to alter the views of the reader. MockingbirdsRead MoreEssay on The Layers of Mrs. Dubose in To Kill a Mockingbird1102 Words  | 5 PagesThe Layers of Mrs. Dubose in To Kill a Mockingbird      Toothpaste: it is made up of so many different ingredients. You can look at a tube of toothpaste, study it, observe the colors of the plastic container and notice the size and shape of it. You can guess all you want whats on the inside, but you will never know until it is squeezed. People: they are made up of so many different things. You can look at them, study their behaviors, and observe their appearances. You can make manyRead MoreKill A Mockingbird : Overcoming Stereotypes Reveals Truth About Characters1745 Words  | 7 Pages To Kill A Mockingbird: Overcoming Stereotypes Reveals Truth About Characters During the heart of the Great Depression in Maycomb County, Alabama, an individual s appearance, values, and reputation often are sources of limitation to the categorical minds of society. In Harper Lee’s To Kill A Mockingbird, confinement of even the most complex characters expresses the limiting scope of view of the prejudice society. 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The pair soon meet Dill, the nephew of Aunt Rachel, who becomes their summer friend. They soon become obsessed with their mysterious neighbor who seldom is seen in public, named Boo Radley. Their father, Atticus, is one of the town lawyers who takes on case that changes the children’s lives. This culminatesRead MoreMoral Values And Life Lessons On The Eyes Of Scout, By Harper Lee1305 Words  | 6 Pagespresent day, no matter when the novel was written. To Kill A Mockingbird, by Harper Lee the iconic novel exposes timeless themes and issues which are just as relevant today as they were when the novel was written. The novel follows the eyes of Scout, a young girl. She observes many timeless issues and begins to comprehend the value of her morals. It is through the townspeople of Maycomb that timeless themes ar e exposed. To Kill A Mockingbird is a timeless novel because of the universal themes, moralRead MoreEssay On Discrimination In To Kill A Mockingbird955 Words  | 4 Pagesagainst because they aren’t â€Å"normal†. Society can fight back, they don’t have to accept this hatred that prevails throughout the world. Everybody just needs to have courage, integrity and tolerance, the necessary traits to help end the discrimination that is in the world, which Harper Lee shows perfectly in To Kill a Mockingbird. One of the main themes in this book is courage. It is repeatedly mentioned and emphasized throughout the book. In this book Atticus, a white man, defends a black man in
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