Rubric 1 Paragraph Essay With A Topic Sentence, 2 Supporting Details, And A Concluding Sentence
Thursday, May 21, 2020
How You Can Use a Research Essay Example
Of course, if you have written research essays in the past, there is no need for you to surf the Internet and look for additional examples to consult. But if it is the first time you encounter a task of this kind, it may be a good idea to look for the ways other people deal with similar problems. Even if you understand the way you have to do the necessary research, you may still be unclear about how the very essay is supposed to be organized and written. Either way, studying a research essay example written by another person, even if he or she writes on a completely unrelated topic, may be beneficial in your situation. How to Write a Research Essay on Any Topic Research essay writing is a pretty usual activity for students, whatever disciplines they happen to study. Although research essays written about hard sciences and humanities have certain differences (humanities generally allow for a more creative and less rigid approach), the majority of characteristic features are still the same. This means that once you have successfully written one essay of this type, you are probably aware of how to write a research essay on any other discipline as well. So, what should you keep in mind when approaching a task of this kind? First of all, choose your topic wisely. Don’t make your topic either too vague or too specific – in the former case it will be hard to encompass all the information you are going to find in a single essay, in the latter one you may find yourself unable to find any information at all. After you’ve defined the topic, do the necessary research – don’t put this stage off, you may find out too la te that you need some source of information that cannot be easily accessed via the Internet. It won’t be a good thing if you encounter such a problem the night before you are supposed to hand your work in. Writing an Essay on Death Penalty Death penalty is a rather common topic for a research essay – it is sufficiently controversial to encourage independent thinking and not controversial enough to be offensive for either writers or readers. Of course, nobody will ask you to write simply about death penalty – you will either be asked somehow to narrow the topic down or will be given a more specific topic by your tutor. If you can choose your topic, do it wisely – although this theme is popular and you are likely to find enough sources of information no matter what you choose, you should still look for balance between originality and availability of data. An ideal essay on death penalty would be the one that covers a topic which tends to be overlooked (for example, the history of death penalty in a particular country), but not the one you will be unable to find anything about. Choose carefully, and you are sure to write something that will satisfy both you and your tutor.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Effects of Economic Imperialism on Colonization in Canada
Economic imperialism is a central part of the ongoing contemporary colonization of indigenous peoples in Canada. Since the colonial era marked the beginning of imperialism in North America, an intricate web of power and domination have formed leaving Indigenous communities in the grip of its economic philosophy. This has led to the ongoing contribution to the disposition of Indigenous peoples in Canada. Economic imperialism can be defined as the need for countries to expand their territories in order to collect resources from their colonies. This illustrates the inherent unsustainability of colonial settler society. In this essay I will look at how the impacts of economic imperialism has had an effect on the development of the indigenous†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¢ The right to decide one’s own fate within a fair social contract, unmolested by aristocracy or ruled by unjust laws. †¢ Property: The right to claim and hold property; When it has been laboured for, one encloses it for greater individual profit the profit of the community of Man, it has been laboured for – Natural means of ownership one encloses it – The process of holding legal â€Å"deed†for greater individual profit – to build investment equity and avoid poverty of waste the profit of the community of Man – Moral commitment to Human Development (Locke: 1689). This supported the notion that men would work together in a contractual diplomacy – and that men who were willing to labour led moral lives and submit to the rule of law would prosper (). The aforementioned described the early forces external colonialism in Canada. Economic imperialism is often seen as a force of power and domination that exists as an historical project with the contemporary formation of treaties and agreements. This is far from the truth – in reality it has been extrapolated into contemporary liberalism through the creation of international institutions such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank that work to serve the same interests. This illustrates that economic imperialism is an ongoing process. Today, the forces of subordination and control are far more entrenched into Canadian society. This can beShow MoreRelatedThe Impact Of British Imperialism On Modern India1244 Words  | 5 Pagesinquiry is to analyze to what extent did British Imperialism have an effect on shaping modern India? 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Rather the officials should have spoken Free Essays
In the essay the author is attempting to protect the rights of free speech through persuasion rather than through threats and intimidations. In promoting his views, the author cites the example of an incident that took place at Harvard. It is the author’s contention that the university officials should not have enforced their rules on the offending students. We will write a custom essay sample on Rather the officials should have spoken or any similar topic only for you Order Now Rather the officials should have spoken with the students in order to help them understand the effect that their action would have on the rest of the community. In developing his perspective, the author brings to light the dilemma that the first amendment presents in allowing such displays. However the author also suggests a way out. He is asking the university officials not to enforce any kind of rules on such displays. It is his contention that such a course of action will only generate more interest in such behaviors and therefore a vicious cycle will result. In other words, the author is suggesting that the university official should not create too much publicity in dealing with such an issue. The author’s purpose in the essay is to explore the different ways in which arguments over free speech can be resolved. The incident that he mentions has to do with some students hanging a confederate flag in view. The First Amendment permits this. However it offends other members of the community. Therefore this is a difficult issue to resolve. On the one hand, university officials should not restrict the expression of free speech. On the other hand, they cannot allow freedom of speech to offend other members of the community. The author also mentions that some communities have enacted codes to resolve such situations while others have refused to impose such restrictions. The author’s purpose in this essay is to find a middle way. This is because enacting codes will only generate more interest in the area so that people will resort to more extreme forms of free speech. Refusing to impose restrictions will also not solve the problem because in this case the rights of free speech will be abused. The purpose of the author in this essay is to suggest a different way in which the issues raised can be resolved. In promoting his views, the author is citing examples of an incident that occurred at Harvard. This incident forms the core of this essay. Resolving the issues raised in this situation forms the structure of the essay. In developing the structure, the author draws upon the First Amendment to resolve the issue. However he brings to light how the First Amendment fails to resolve the situation that arose at Harvard. Therefore he argues for a greater level of communication with the students in order to help them decide for themselves whether what they did was right or wrong. The author believes that this is the only way for the university officials to resolve the situation with the minimum of publicity. The author believes that the publicity that will result from enforcing restrictions will have the opposite effect. Therefore the university officials should try to resolve the issue internally by talking to the students. In presenting his views, the author argued the validity of imposing restrictions when such restrictions will only create more interest in the problem. The author clearly sympathizes with the students’ right to do what they did. However he seeks to communicate the importance of talking to the students in order to help them understand why what they could be considered subversive. He brings to light the fact that the students are clearly in their rights to hang the flag as it is permitted by the First Amendment. However he also argues over the inappropriateness of this action. He advises against enforcing restrictions. He believes that this will only create more awareness of this problem so that other students will be interested to create similar situations. Clearly it is in the university officials’ interest to minimize the number of these incidents and to that end, the university officials should resolve such situations privately by discussing the issues with the students. Therefore the author seeks to find a third way other than enforcing codes or doing nothing. In this respect, he stresses the importance of maintaining the balance between free speech and mutual respect. He says that this objective can be met through education and persuasion. How to cite Rather the officials should have spoken, Papers
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